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442oons Dean Stobbart
Video views
Video count
Youtuber since
YouTuber, Animator, Voice Actor
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442oons net worth

$ 1.38M - $ 8.25M *

442oons income

$ 2.24K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 16.3K
last 30 days
$ 52.8K
last 90 days

The exact net worth of 442oons is unknown, as they are a privately owned entity. However, with over 3 million subscribers on their main YouTube channel alone, as well as several spin-off channels and merchandise sales, it can be estimated that the channel earns a significant income from advertising and sponsorships. In addition, Stobbart has stated that he works on the channel full-time, indicating that it is a successful venture.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

442oons estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 7.8K
March 2024$ 16K
February 2024$ 17.2K
January 2024$ 7.28K
December 2023$ 15.9K
November 2023$ 15.4K
October 2023$ 22.9K
July 2023$ 16.5K
June 2023$ 26.3K
May 2023$ 19.3K
April 2023$ 26.7K
March 2023$ 32.4K
February 2023$ 35.4K
January 2023$ 37.4K
December 2022$ 43.1K
November 2022$ 24.3K
October 2022$ 26.7K
September 2022$ 15.1K
August 2022$ 29.9K
July 2022$ 25.4K
June 2022$ 29K
May 2022$ 23.4K

442oons Frequently Asked Questions

Who runs 442oons?

442oons was founded and is run by Dean Stobbart.

When was 442oons created?

442oons was founded in 2013.

What does 442oons parody?

442oons parodies football matches, players, and managers, with a focus on the English Premier League.

Does 442oons sell merchandise?

Yes, 442oons has a merch store on their website.

Does 442oons collaborate with other YouTubers?

Yes, 442oons has collaborated with other football influencers.

Does 442oons have any spin-off channels?

Yes, 442oons has several spin-off channels, including 442oons Championship and 442oons Liga.

Has 442oons faced any controversies?

Yes, 442oons has faced controversies for some of its parodies.

How often does 442oons release new content?

442oons releases new content several times a week.

Is 442oons available in languages other than English?

Yes, 442oons has translated some of its content into other languages, including Spanish and Portuguese.