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Cecia Loaiza Cecilia Loaiza
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Youtuber since
YouTuber, Content Creator
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Cecia Loaiza net worth

$ 105K - $ 632K *

Cecia Loaiza income

$ 474
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 5.71K
last 30 days
$ 26K
last 90 days

As of now, there is no specific information available about Cecia Loaiza's net worth. However, it is evident that her YouTube career has been successful, attracting a large and engaged audience. With her growing popularity, Cecia has likely generated a considerable income through brand collaborations, sponsored content, and advertisements on her channel. She has also ventured into the world of entrepreneurship, launching her own merchandise and fashion line, which further contributes to her overall net worth.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Cecia Loaiza estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 2.51K
March 2024$ 6.9K
February 2024$ 10.7K
January 2024$ 6.3K
December 2023$ 16.4K
November 2023$ 11.8K
October 2023$ 10.4K
July 2023$ 9.04K
June 2023$ 12.5K
May 2023$ 10.1K
April 2023$ 11.5K
March 2023$ 13.1K
February 2023$ 12.1K
January 2023$ 5.02K
December 2022$ 5.28K
November 2022$ 1.63K
October 2022$ 2.28K
September 2022$ 1.51K
August 2022$ 3.16K
July 2022$ 12.5K
June 2022$ 2.56K
May 2022$ 5.12K

Cecia Loaiza Frequently Asked Questions

When did Cecia Loaiza start her YouTube channel?

Cecia Loaiza started her YouTube channel in 2016.

What is Cecia Loaiza's most popular video?

Cecia Loaiza's most popular video is 'My Everyday Makeup Routine' with over 10 million views.

What are Cecia Loaiza's favorite beauty products?

Cecia Loaiza often mentions her love for brands like Tarte, MAC, and Urban Decay.

Does Cecia Loaiza have any siblings?

Yes, Cecia Loaiza has a younger sister named Sofia.

What camera does Cecia Loaiza use for her vlogs?

Cecia Loaiza primarily uses a Canon EOS 70D for her vlogs.

Where is Cecia Loaiza from?

Cecia Loaiza is from Mexico.

Does Cecia Loaiza collaborate with other YouTubers?

Yes, Cecia Loaiza has collaborated with various popular YouTubers such as Yuya and Caeli.

Does Cecia Loaiza have a podcast?

No, Cecia Loaiza does not currently have a podcast.

What is Cecia Loaiza's favorite travel destination?

Cecia Loaiza has expressed her love for traveling to beach destinations, with Cancun being one of her favorites.

Does Cecia Loaiza speak any languages other than Spanish?

Yes, Cecia Loaiza is fluent in English and also speaks some Portuguese.